Happy Friday! I am currently set-up in Gander, NL. I spent the last 3 days basking in the glory of Gros Morne National Park. It is a magical part of Canada that was tough to leave. The only downside about camping at the national park was the lack of reliable internet, which forced me to miss Random Act Wednesday.
I have finally found a spot that has slightly better access, so I wanted to get this post up! It's officially Random Act Weekend! That's right, you have from now until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. to complete the following random act of kindness, and tell me all about it!

"The next time you tip someone, be overly generous. It'll make their day"
My thoughts on the card:
1. If you don't plan on going out to a restaurant over the weekend, that's okay! Consider tipping the person gave you your morning coffee at Tim's, sold you a pack of gum at the convenience store or did your dry cleaning. I am pretty easy going about this!
2. Not everyone is able to be overly generous financially. Not to worry! You can be equally as kind by providing someone with a little note of thanks for their service, or a little homemade gift etc.
So, that's it! Don't forget to tell me about your random act experience by visiting my Facebook page, Twitter (#randomactwed), this blog or through e-mail - pictures and videos are welcome and encouraged! You can also post up your experience on www.boomboomcards.com and register the card (tracking number is Q6 D2 HMV) which then shows the location of kindness on the map. Very cool!
Just like before, you can win a prize from Roadtrip with Reason for being kind! Next Wednesday I will announce the winner of Random Act Weekend: Week 2. Speaking of a winner..... CONGRATS to Sara Farnell for winning week 1!! You can expect a little something from Newfoundland :)
That's all, folks! Have the happiest of weekends. Off to be kind, I go....
Becky xo