As I was sitting on the ferry from Departure Bay (Nanaimo) to Horseshoe Bay (Vancouver), I had a big realization: I have officially driven COAST TO COAST! I actually did it. I completed the journey from Point A to Point B and it was spectacular. Throughout the past 3-months I have laughed a lot, shed some tears, sung through the prairies, danced through the mountains, offered my helping hands to all kinds of great folk, seen beautiful sights, made new friends, missed my 'forever' friends, took one amazing flight (over PEI), slept in all kinds of locations, saw some wildlife, learned a lot about my home and native land, and most importantly I have fallen in love.
No, not with a 'boy' or a 'man'.........but with a car.
Are you really that surprised?
His full name is Archibald Chevrolet - but I call him Archie.

One. When Chevrolet asked me what kind of car I wanted for my roadtrip (crazy), I said that their adorable little hatchback (Aveo) would probably be sufficient for the road...they disagreed. Thank goodness the people at Chevrolet Canada are so wise! If you have sneaked a peak inside or have physically driven in Archie with me, you will know just how much space is necessary to house all my stuff. Archie is the perfect size! His trunk is massive and has been able to hold all my goods without any issue. More importantly, his backseat has provided me with a great place to rest my head. Yes, there have been a few times throughout the journey that I have had to sleep in the Cruze - and what a great car to sleep in! I am not encouraging people to sleep in their cars or anything, but it's pretty darn comfortable. Seriously.
Two. My love of music plays a big part in my everyday life, even more so when on the road. The fact that Chevrolet provided me with XM Radio was possibly the best thing ever. Fact: I have only used my iPod (that I love dearly) FOUR times during the entire 3.5 months. I love, love, love XM radio. I love that I can listen to my favourite Canadian Indie artists on the Verge, the Broadway station when I want a showtune sing-a-long, the Comedy station for when I need a pick-me-up and even Oprah Radio (haha) - all in one day. Technology rules!

Four. Archie drives like a champ. Prior to getting the keys to the 2011 Chevy Cruze, I was borrowing my Grandpa's very old vehicle. It's not a bad car, but sometimes it would feel like the wind was going to blow you across the highway. I have never felt nervous driving Archie - not even when I was driving along the teeny roads in Newfoundland, or the curvy corners of the Cabot Trail or the big mountain roads in British Columbia. Safety first!
Five. I have the worst sense of direction - possibly the worst of all time. Thankfully, I have had OnStar to help me find my way. I don't even know how to explain OnStar and how useful it has been. Just imagine what it would be like to have a button in your car that you can press 24/7 to get directions (or anything) from. Yeah. It's like having a GPS inside of your car that is human. I have used it for all kinds of things - directions to everywhere, locating food/coffee/grocery, booking hostels etc. In fact, one time I was camping in Saskatoon without wi-fi and desperately needed it to get down to work. I went to 4 different Starbucks (thanks for the free wi-fi) that day, thanks to OnStar. They totally helped me 'scheme' to ensure I wasn't returning to one I had already visited. The best! OnStar is awesome and let's get real - there is no way I would've made it from Ontario to Newfoundland to Ontario to British Columbia without it. Not a chance.
I can't believe I have to give my buddy up in a few days. It's been an absolute joy and honour to drive Archie from coast to coast. I cannot begin to thank Chevrolet Canada enough for their generosity and support. Such an amazing bunch. You have a Chevrolet fan for life!
Lots of love & warmth,
Becky xo
Please Note: Although Chevrolet generously sponsored me with the use of the 2011 Chevy Cruze for the roadtrip, this blog post comes directly from me without any pressure from Chevrolet. I genuinely heart Archie!