I was shocked. Yes, I saw him on the news during his last public appearance and noted how sick he looked. I just didn't expect that Cancer would win in this particular round, not with Jack. Although I actively participate in the democratic process, I am not one to discuss politics or my political views but I am willing to discuss the greatness that I saw in Jack Layton. He was a gem - passionate, engaging, youthful, and a dreamer. He had that crucial ability to engage 'youth' (i.e. people from my generation) like none other. He also showed a sincere respect for us and made it clear that we were valued in society, something that many other politicians (coughHarpercough) fail at.
Such a damn shame.
I spent the last week volunteering with Apathy is Boring in Montreal, visiting Parliament, and partaking in the festivities at the Ottawa Folk Festival. There was so, so, so much chit chat about Jack. Everyone, regardless of political views, had great things to say. He was well loved by many and his presence will definitely be missed in Canada.
"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world."
Thanks, Jack. xo