We're currently sitting in 18th place....right in the middle. It's tough not to obsess and worry about the placement but I must keep reminding myself that a) anything can happen b) it's still early c) things change on an hourly basis. Yesterday we were in 15th place for a couple hours and I was thrilled! It's not over until it's over, and I am not going to give up...
That being said, please vote!!
Do you need a reason to vote for Roadtrip with Reason today? You got it!
If so, you know why to VOTE!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I appreciate your votes, support & words of encouragement SO MUCH.
Don't forget to keep up the votes HERE every single day until April 30th - and encourage others to do the same!
Every vote counts.
Happy trails & travels,
-- Becky xo