One month down, 2-ish to go! It feels like just yesterday when I was pulling out of the driveway from my home base - full of excitement and absolute fear - and here I am with lots of thoughts swirling around in my head....

1. I have adjusted to life on the road a lot better than I anticipated. Aside from a couple "woe is me/it's so hard/I am tired/where's my mommy" days (haha) - it's been great!
2. Canada has some form of beauty lurking around every corner - seriously. The East has set the bar very, very high. Hey, West Coast - you better bring it!
3. People are generally kind - especially Canadians. I have met adventurers from all over the world who always have good things to say about the people here and it's true. I haven't come across a single 'bad seed' in the East - only really, really good seeds who have fed me, housed me, guided me and even took me up in a plane.
4. I love Archie, my 2011 Chevy Cruze. I am absolutely turning into a crazy car lady (worse than cats) and talk about Archie like he's my boyfriend. So, what?! He's been the best road companion a girl could ask for. I have even started reading Archie Comics.....obsessed.

6. I have been so inspired by the people I have met. Every organization is different but their one common thread is passion and dedication and a desire to make change! It's been an honour to meet these do gooders - I can't wait to follow them as their organizations flourish and change.
7. Video editing is difficult - much more difficult than I expected. It turns out that I don't have a special secret skill (I was hoping) and so, the vision in my head never ends up on the screen. The process is frustrating and long and overwhelming....but I am trying. I want my non-profit videos to be worthwhile and useful and decent which is why it's taking so long. Thanks for keeping up your patience (even when I have lost mine).
8. Live music, campfires and ice cream are still my favourite things. Who said travelling changes people? Not I!

10. I continue to be incredibly grateful to my sponsors, family, friends and viewers for making this journey a reality. I am trying to absorb every moment as it passes me by and take full advantage of what being on this Roadtrip with Reason means. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Off to edit, I go...xo