Happy Weekend! I am not feeling 100% today so I decided to stay in and medicate myself the best way I know how.
I received another great book during the holidays - The Canada Chronicles. A Four-Year Hitchhiking Odyssey - it was written by Matthew Jackson, a Canadian journalist who quit his job and thumbed his way across Canada for four years (1997 - 2000).
Has anyone else heard about this before? Or read it?
I am a hundred pages in and am enjoying it so far. He has some pretty hilarious stories to share about his adventure, and some heart-warming ones as well. I used to dream about hitchhiking but as a 'young woman' (& admittedly naive), I haven't ever taken the leap. Maybe one day when I have some kind of partner in crime to come with.....or not? (Don't worry Dad!) Haha. Either way, his book is really adding to my excitement for my own trip which is only 6ish months away. As a solo traveller (unless you would like to join me) there is a little bit of nervousness and apprehension about the whole experience - will people be friendly, welcoming and helpful? OR will they be uninterested and just plain mean?! Hah!
I highly doubt that I will come across that kind of attitude very often. This week alone I have been contacted by total strangers offering me suggestions on not-for-profits in their communities, things to do, places to eat and even their couches to sleep on! Thank you twitter!
I wanted to share a little excerpt from the book with you. It comes from Chapter 3, titled " Crossroads", just as he is finished giving his backstory and his about to hit the
"Ultimately, my decision to follow an unlikely dream has resulted in this book, eight years after the idea was first conceived. My primary hope is that it may restore some of that essential faith we seem to have lost in humanity, something we are in great need of right now, especially as the world's media seems bent on dissecting only the details of tragedy. Moreover, I hope that you will enjoy the book for its stories about Canadians, as well as for its humour, adventure and candour, and that it may inspire some of you to pursue your own passions.
Dare to dream big. Dare to laugh hard. At some point in life we, like Robert Frost, must all face a path diverging at the edge of a wood. May you choose your path wisely and may it make all the difference in your own life."
That is all for now! If you haven't already, please feel free to 'like' our journey on Facebook or join our e-mailing list...
Happy trails & travels,
-- Becky xo