Welcome to Week 4 of Tune-eee Tuesday. This is my weekly blog post where I add awesome tunes of every genre to the master list of music that I am creating in preparation for my 'Roadtrip with Reason'. I am hoping to hear about YOUR favourite travel (or regular) songs - so leave me a comment below and I will be sure to add it to my list!
This week I have decided to focus on the Arcade Fire. Some of you may have heard that they just won a Grammy for Album of the Year and people are furious!! Barbara Streisand was the award presenter and announced "the winner is....the....suburbs?....arcade fire?...." - too funny! Just to clear up some serious confusion - The Suburbs is the name of the winning album and Arcade Fire is the band. There has been quite a backlash since the win including the website "Who is Arcade Fire" ... hilarious.
I quite enjoy The Arcade Fire and am happy that this deserving Canadian band (hailing from Montreal, QC) just hit a homerun in the big leagues! In celebration of their win, I am adding my Top 5 favourite Arcade Fire songs to my list...
1) Arcade Fire -- Rebellion (Lies)
Happy trails & travels,
-- Becky xo